Rescue 2 handle medical emergency on-site
A recent medical emergency involving a contractor at one of our South Eastern sites, required the intervention and professionalism of Rescue 2, to extract the contractor from the risk area.
The contractor who was a known diabetic, became ill whilst working within the risk area, became agitated, and was immediately extracted and taken to a canteen area to assess. After an initial assessment by the Rescue 2 team leader, it was deemed necessary to call for the emergency services as a precaution. After talking to the emergency services for some time, administering the correct first aid and making the contractor comfortable, it was found unnecessary for an ambulance to attend.
The clients report stated that the sequence of events highlighted the effectiveness of site procedures, and praised the professionalism of Rescue 2 for:
- Their awarness of a potential danger and instigating the correct response to a person in difficulty.
- To undertake a rapid first aid assessment and make the contractor feel comfortable.
- For their excellent communication skills with the emergency services.
Well done to all of the Rescue 2 team members involved.
To find out more about the services of Rescue 2, please call 01903 871105.