What Sectors do we work in?
Rescue 2 offers cover inclusive of confined space management and rescue team provision, contractor on-site risk area management, full paramedic rescue provision with dedicated on-site front line spec ambulances and medical treatment, rope rescue, technical rescue, and initial firefighting and chemical response with our fully equipped fire appliance.
We work days, nights and weekends and we can also provide 24hr a day cover when required.
Our extensive experience includes working in environments such as:
- Sewers and Deep Wet Wells
- Waste Water Treatment Works
- Power Stations
- Waste Recycling Plants
- Television and Film Industry
- Tunnels and Open Pits
- Furnaces
- Tanks and Vessels
- Complex High Risk Environments
- Bridges and Waterways
We have worked for numerous industries and in all manner of environments, but our core work is generated by the following sectors:
Water Industry
We have extensive experience in working for Waste Water and Clean Water sites.
We work for Water Authorities, Tier 1 & 2 contractors in AMP6, on short or long term projects.
Our holistic approach providing a full Rescue team that includes Medical, Technical Rescue and Fire cover has proven extremely popular.
Power Generation / Renewable Energy
We work on long term contracts for Power station shutdowns, outages and maintenance cycles, providing contractor on-site risk area management, full paramedic rescue provision with dedicated on-site front line spec ambulances and medical treatment, rope rescue, technical rescue, initial firefighting and chemical response including front line spec fire appliances all crewed by multi disciplined emergency service trained and experienced personnel.
We also have experience working in the Renewable Energy Sector, providing Rescue and Rope Rescue team provision for Wind Turbine maintenance works.
Waste Transfer (Energy Recovery)
We have extensive experience working on contracts for Energy Transfer Facilities – providing cover for furnace shutdowns and other maintenance projects, providing contractor on-site risk area management, technical and rope rescue provisions. Full paramedic rescue provision with dedicated on-site front line spec ambulances and medical treatment, and initial firefighting and chemical response can also be provided.
We can provide contractor on-site risk area management and full paramedic rescue provision with dedicated on-site front line spec ambulances and medical treatment. We have also serviced clients in the petrochemical sector with rope rescue, technical rescue, firefighting and chemical response. All of these are crewed by multi disciplined emergency service trained and experienced personnel.
Film and Television
We work alongside Television and Film Production Companies – providing technical and Rope Rescue support for filming in difficult access areas. We can also provide Rescue and Paramedic support for stunt teams, and Fire cover with and experienced fire teams.
Our Fire and Medical teams complement our Confined Space, Technical and Rope Rescue specialists, ensuring we can offer a flexible, professional and fully holistic approach to our Safety and Rescue provision.
We are happy to give advice and discuss any project for any market sector. Please get in touch.